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برداشتن اولین گام در راه استقرارامنیت

6 دسامبر 2007, 16:02, توسط Morad

In my point of view, it’s better for Mr.Kazai to resign and it’s more than enough to run any more this war shattered poor counrty, a military governnemat suppose to be sit up on the top is better to be Qasim Fahim and defence minister suppose to be general Rashed Doustam and asked all military former officers whom mostly(except communists) from outside of the country to join the new task force to push back the Talibal terrorists from Afghanistan land. The president suppose to be elected by people as a symbol, but the governement suppose to be by the majority party (except communists and fascists like Khalqi,Parchami,Sholaii and Afghan Milatis) the governers of provices supoose to be elected by thier own people as well as the dean of education,agrecalture and so on, the dual citizenship suppose to be officialy acceped like India,, the ambassadors supppose to go to Shora to ask for conformation, the Shora suppose to be one, the Senate is not needed, makes more complicated the hot issues, Mr.Sebghatullah Mojadidi is old enough to run any job in the country, he suppose to set back and pray for his here after or jugemant day, Mr.Rabani and Mr.Sayaf also is to old for Afghanistan to have some active political positaion, thier time run out for Afghanistan, this counrty need new prograsive active knowledgeable awareness of all directions of the new era of the world, the colleageus of Mr.Karzai also very weak and low level ones, kick them out, put them in the history garbage, make every issue new issue and new way on the path of Allah and our noble beloved prophet Mohammad, peace and bless
be upon to him, let the counrty stand up and take back it’s right place in this full of crisis world
may Allah keep happy the soul of all martyrs whom sacrified for Islam and freedom of this country during Rassia invasion, Taliban murderers and Gulbudin Hekmatyar general massacre

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