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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 49985

قصد سویدن، انگلستان، دانمارک، ناروی و هلند برای بازگرداندن کودکان و نوجوانان پناهجوی افغانستانی

23 نوامبر 2011, 09:00, توسط صدیق مصدق

خدمت خوانندگان این سایت سلام عرض میدارم.
در این اواخر سفارت افغانستان در هالند این نامه سرگشاده را به مقامات هالند فرستاد. در عین حال حکومات افغانستان و هالند و کمشنری ملل متحد در امور پناهندگان سالها قبل موافقتنامه ی را امضاء کرده اند که بر اساس آن تحت شرایطی میتوان افغانها را برگردانید. طبق آمار رسمی در طول سال گذشته از کشور هالند ۶۰ تن افغان بطور داوطلبانه و ۴۵ تن دیگر بطور اجباری روانه افغانستان گردیده اند.

The Hague, 9th August 2011

The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in the Kingdom of
the Netherlands welcomes the decision of Mr. Bert Bouwmeester,
the mayor of the north-eastern municipality of Coevorden, opposing
the deportation of an Afghan family with two children 9 and 11 years
of age, on humanitarian grounds.
It would be so wonderful if the other Netherlands authorities follow
Mr. Bouwmeester’s example and refrain from expelling Afghans from
the Netherlands till that time the condition is suitable for their
return. The Embassy appreciates the willingness of the government
of The Netherlands to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with
the Governments of Afghanistan and the United Nation High
Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), and to agree to voluntary,
dignified, safe and orderly repatriation of Afghans as well as to accept
that the repatriation of Afghans “will take place on the basis of their
freely expressed wish in accordance with the 1951 Convention and
the 1967 Protocol”.
The Embassy would like to bring to the attention of the esteemed
Dutch authorities dealing with refugees and asylum seekers that, as
per the said Memorandum of Understanding it was agreed that “the
Government of the Netherlands will ensure that the evolving situation
in Afghanistan as well as major challenges involved in ensuring basic
services, such as medical health education and housing, for all of its
citizens will be taken into consideration”.
As we all know despite of great deal of achievements and the
ongoing work to address challenges in areas mentioned above and in
many other areas during the last ten years, much more has to be
done to provide adequate services to “all“ Afghan citizens.
In the course of history many nations have faced the unfortunate
situation that Afghans are facing now and millions of people had to
leave their countries. We hope the immigration and naturalization
authorities of countries that are receiving refugee and asylum seekers, including the Netherlands, remember the fact that, many
people in the world including many European have tasted the bitter
taste of being forced to seek refuge and asylum in other countries
and show more sympathy to the Afghan asylum seekers. No one
leave his / her country unless pushed to the point to be deprived of
all other options. We are confident that the people of Afghanistan
eventually will overcome the challenges that they are facing and will
not leave their country to seek refuge in other countries.
The Afghans are victim of terrorism and war which, against their will,
has been imposed on them. Afghans deserve unreserved support of
the International Community in their fight against terrorism. It is our
humble request that the International Community (1) fights terrorism
at its source and (2) at the same time uses its influence and weight to
encourage and convince those neighbors of Afghanistan and those
countries in the region that are interfering in the internal affairs of
our country to respect their responsibilities, adhere to the principles
of International Law and refrain from interfering in the internal
affairs of Afghanistan as well as change their policies in the interest
of peace and stability of Afghanistan and the region. Once we have a
peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan, none of the Afghan
citizens will leave their country and no country in the world including
the Netherlands will have to deal with Afghan refugee and / or
asylum seekers.

Enayatullah Nabiel
Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
To the Kingdom of The Netherlands

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