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فاجعه افشار نوزده ساله شد! افشار هنوز بوی خون می دهد

11 فبروری 2012, 22:06

The firs comment was mine. I think one comment in english is referred to my posting. the guy is asking, why the moderator of the site allows comments like mine which are directly against Hazaras; here my answer, I do not know why the moderator allows comments like mine, but I know that this is good. it is good to openly criticize and talk about all what happened and how it happened. To name bad and talk about good. My hope for Afghanistan is, that one day hazaras would be able to guide the country and bring unity and development to Afghanistan. But this would be, only if hazara accept their mistakes and work for a new future. A new area begins with understanding of mistakes. What in Kabul happened and what Hazaras did, was behind any imagination. No one will be ever able to deny this, if one do this, than no one will believe. As you can not deny the existence of sun. every one knows, that sun exists. So forget to sell us lies. I do think, that hazars would be able to bring a new area to Afghanistan if they are well educated and do not care so much for Ali and his family and the religion at all. If this happens, than hazaras could lead Afghanistan, as they would never favor one ethnic or one group of people. I do believe, that this solution could be achieved easily. To have an intelligent group of hazaras who cares for the country. Pashtuns and Tajiks had 250 years time to show, that they were not able to lead the country. Now is time for hazara, . I do believe that they could, if it happens that;

Hazars should name Mazari and his group as criminals and should apologize for what happened in the 90s.
Hazaras should be interested in school university and knowledge
Hazars should not take religion so important. Its nice to have but that is all.

All the rest will come automatically. Mirwais

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